
GM° Mark Kline

Architect of the PinPoint™ Method / Founder of Kyusho Institute

FB profile : Click Here

website : Click Here

M° Gianluca Frisan

Tecnical Director of Kyusho Institute Europe

website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

Kyusho Institute Europe Locations

This is for Kyusho locations near you:

Rick Bache

Location : Withernsea – Middleton, Oldham, United Kingdom

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

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Istr. ….

Location : …..

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

Istr. Giulio Martino

Location : Matera Italy

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

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Location : …..

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

M° Marc de Reus

Location : Terneuzen – Natherlands

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

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Istr. ….

Location : …..

Website : Click Here

FB profile : Click Here

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